Friday, November 18, 2011

Outside the lines...

The kids have been doing alot of coloring lately and they got their dad involved. One night while I was in my room watching tv Alex came in with a present for me. I thought it was going to be one of his many masterpieces. When he showed it to me I was happy to see it was a special picture for me from my husband. Kato always has been good at art and when we first started dating he drew me a picture of a house that we would eventually have. It doesn't look like the house we live in today. Anyway, he was so proud of his coloring that he got the brilliant idea to come up with coloring books for adults. Now that's thinking outside the lines, hope it makes us a million dollars!! So thank you hubby for my picture, I love it!! thanks for reading xoxo

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

18 with life to go...

Michael turned 18 on Saturday and he kicked off his adulthood with macaroni and cheese, kielbasa, and a chocolate cake. He invited some friends over to help him eat it all. He bought his first lottery ticket or I should say tickets. He went to the "adult store" where he was denied access because his ID is expired and had some buddies sleep over. I hope he had a good birthday. Even though he is technically an adult he is still in high school and working on figuring out what he really wants to do after graduation. Realistically I have him for only 8 more months. Eighteen years...that was fast! thanks for reading xoxo

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween 2011

Happy Halloween!! We had it twice again this year and as usual Alex and Jade took full advantage and dressed up in two different costumes. Ella only went out once and was a pink leopard. She was also the big helper at the door and passed out the candy to the kids. Now my goal is to stay away from the candy. thanks for reading xoxo