Monday, February 4, 2013

Alex's Wrestling Debut

Alex had his first wrestling dual meet yesterday in Reedsburg. He is so shy and I was afraid how he would take it if he lost or got hurt. I was worried for his confidence, I was worried about his safety, and I was worried he would not show good sportsmanship. All my fears were useless, warranted but useless! He did an amazing job! His first match he got a forfeit.  The second round he wasn't going to have a match either but the coaches worked together to get one for him.  His first match. His first take down. His first win! He beat the kid 21-9. I was so impressed with his skills! I had heard he was good but never did I imagine he was as good as he is. I couldn't believe how calm he was, how natural the movements came, and how effortless he made it look. Even when in a position to get pinned he wiggled and rolled his way out of it. He shook hands with his opponent and their coach and walked off the mat like a true champion.  His final match was with another kid who was just a tab bit bigger.  But much like his brother he proved size doesn't matter. He pinned the kid in the second round. Again after shaking hands and walking off the mat, the pride in his face was elevated beyond the clouds. His first pin! He went undefeated that day and he owes much of his success to his amazing coach, who has taught him, trained him, and helped him become an amazing wrestler. Thank you Coach Gator you are an amazing coach and an even better big brother! I love you both very much. thanks for reading xoxo