Friday, January 31, 2014


Super excited to get these on the van! Superbowl Sunday is almost here and I can't wait!! The only sad part is when its over, that means football season is also over and it'll be another 7 months before regular season starts again! GO SEAHAWKS!! thanks for reading xoxo

Friday, January 3, 2014

Christmas 2013

Christmas was pretty good this year. The kids got almost everything they wanted. I am sure they would have gotten it all but Santa isn't allowed to give little girls "real" magic wands for fear they would misuse that kind of power. We decorated cookies, and each kid wanted to put the star on the tree so of course we let each try. For some reason, this year was the first year the kids did not sleep in. Every year past we practically have to wake them up to get the show rolling but this year they were up by 5am! It was nice we didn't have to travel anywhere and the kids could enjoy their spoils! I made two types of meatballs with rice and noodles, green beans, Cindy's famous and super yummy potato bake, cinnamon rolls, and fresh veggie tray. Keeping it simple was awesome! While we were going to finish the night with Grasshoppers, we were all too stuffed and couldn't fit anything else in our bellies! I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas, I missed my family in WA and hope to be out there next Christmas! thanks for reading xoxo