Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Happy Easter 2014

The Easter bunny came and left the kids some things for summer, new squirt guns, towels, shorts, swim suits and all sorts of things to play with outside.  Jade and Ella just loved their Easter dresses from Grandma Kim! Alex got a sweet pair of shorts which he waited to put on so that he could wear them to school! They made colored eggs with Grandma Jayne and Grandpa Keith which were hidden then found. Michael and Anna were able to visit for a while and that was really nice! It wasn't the most spectacular Easter but it was perfect! Thanks for reading xoxo

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

3rd Grade Presents John Henry

Alex has always been really shy. He doesn't like to go up in front of people he doesn't know and perform. Last week his class put on three plays and I was lucky enough to be able to go.  He was in John Henry. He did an amazing job and I was so proud of how well he read his lines.  He may not live for the applause but he sure does deserve one!!  Thanks for reading xoxo

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Ella Goes to the Dentist

Ella went to the dentist and did amazing! She was so grown up about it. Climbed up on the chair all by herself and when the dentist said open wide, she opened wide! Can't believe this little lady is going to start school in the fall. It doesn't seem fair that parents have to work so hard and miss so much of their children growing up just to pay the bills. I am blessed to have been here with her for all of her mile stones but it still wasn't enough time.  That goes for all my kids.  Anyway, no cavities and her teeth are perfect! She was happy to get a travel case with a new toothbrush, paste, and floss plus she got to pick something from the treasure drawer! Good Job Ellabeez!! thanks for reading xoxo

Monday, April 14, 2014

Vegas 2014

Vegas was awesome! Sunny and 85! I went to the UFC Gym and had the workout of my life! Walked the strip and did some shopping. Watched the dolphins and sharks and enjoyed way to many fruity drinks! Exactly what a vacation should be. I didn't win big but then again I didn't bet big either. Elvis did ask me to pull his finger! I didn't do it. Guess there's always next time. Thanks for reading xoxo