Monday, June 30, 2014

First Say Summer School

Ella loves school!! She started summer school twice a week and is ready for 4k in the fall.  Her classroom is bright and happy with tons of activities to do.  She likes her teachers and is making friends.  I thought she would be sad and cry when I dropped her off but she handled it like a champ! Its hard to believe that soon all my kids will be in school. Thanks for reading xoxo

Friday, June 13, 2014

Gymnastics Fantastic!!

Jade and Ella started gymnastics this week and they LOVE it!! I wasn't sure if Jade and Ella would be up for anything considering they are sometimes glued to my hip but they both did excellent! They walked the balance beam, did some tumbling, and practiced handstands.  I need to get them more leotards so we are not constantly washing the two we have.  They practice twice a week and the program runs for two months, by then they will literally be bouncing and climbing off the walls! thanks for reading xoxo

Friday, June 6, 2014

Jades 4K Graduation

My first born daughter graduated 4K yesterday and I couldn't be more proud. She is amazing and thats all I can say! I love her so much and feel blessed everyday.  The ceremony was too cute, they sang three songs, received their diplomas, and ate ice cream. I hope her friendships with her BFFs last through High School. Congratulations Jade! thanks for reading xoxo