Monday, January 26, 2015

Sept-January 2015

Football injury at school.

Halloween 2014

Halloween 2014

Halloween 2014

Halloween 2014

Mommy Daughter Date

Homemade Vanilla

Made my neices some socks for Christmas. They might be too big but they are still cute!

Jades 1st lost tooth.

The girls started Ballet.

Went ice skating for the first time.

Alex first time ice skating.

Jades first time ice skating.

I decorated the office. This was my payback.

This was another payback.

Office decorating for the Packer/Seahawks game.

Office decorating.

More decorating.

Ella made this one.

The kids loved helping.

Alex made this one.

We got everyones chair!

Above Johns (my boss) door.

We tagged everyones desk!

Even got the fridge!!

Xmas cookies.

Xmas Cookies.

Alex's favorite Christmas gift.

Jades favorite Christmas gift.

My favorite gift from Jade!

Ella was so sick but pulled through. Her favorite gift.

The girls got new (but used) Barbie toys from our good friend Heather. They have been playing Barbies non-stop!

Barbie is everywhere!

Barbie ice skating rink and Soda Shoppe.

Even Alex played with it. shh don't tell him I took this photo.

I took Jade and Ella to meet Elsa, Anna, Olaf, and Kristoff. We also got cupcakes!

Waiting for their moment.

They loved it!!