Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Gold To Orange

Alex and I belt tested last night and I am pleased to announce we are officially orange belts.  It was about 2 hours of karate and judging by the sweat I produced (gross I know) it was work.  I felt proud of myself and especially of Alex because he has been through so much with the change in karate schools.  I think he felt proud too because its not everyday he has a smile ear to ear like the one in the photo.  I am absolutely happy with the decision we made to have him do karate and I truly believe it is helping him come out of his shell.  He has mentioned he would like to do wrestling.  I am thinking he will have a great role model and personal coach right here at home and maybe it will help him and Michael get along just a little bit better.  thanks for reading xoxo

Ella turns 2

My baby turned two years old last week and every second of her life has been a pure blessing.  I made Ella her cupcakes and all the kids were anxious to get them in their mouths.  We put two candles in one for Ella to blow out but she couldn't figure out exactly what she was supposed to do.  Good thing she has a big sister and a big brother to help.  She had a few gifts to open and once again Alex and Jade were there to help.  Poor little Ella could have sat back and relaxed the entire night with them two around.  She has the most sweetest expressions.  When she opened her earrings from Grandma Kim she said "ooooooooh" with a high pitch squeal of delight.  Of course she had to put on her new swim suit from Auntie Gail right away and sleep in it all night and wear it again all the next day! Kato and I got her a toy cell phone and a toy pig bank that she can put toy coins in.  She loves everything.  I am also looking forward to going shoe shopping with her because she is in need of a good pair of shoes that are not hand me downs from her sister.  Ella is a very happy girl, there are few moments when she isn't smiling and that is usually when she is whining over something.  Happy Birthday Ella beez! thanks for reading xoxo

Friday, July 6, 2012

I want the 80s back!!

It has been so hot here that we haven't been able to be outside as much.  Its nice having the pool but when its 104 degrees outside even our pool isn't refreshing enough.  Next week the temps are supposed to go down to the high 80's and everyone is looking forward to it.  Ella will be having a birthday soon and I can not believe she will be 2 years old.  How the time has flown by? Jade started riding a two wheeler with training wheels and we have been going on bike rides when its not scorching out.  I managed to get into the doctors to have my bump checked out on my ankle and its tendonitis. It sucks. I haven't been able to do cardio kickboxing or run in some time now.  I even took a week off of Karate to rest it.  The pain is easing and I am going to see a sports medicine doctor soon.  I have a couple of 5ks coming up and want to be able to run.  I have gained some weight as a result of this and feel pretty low.  I am sure I will get it off again but the ups and downs of weight loss makes it very discouraging.  I have been biking as it doesn't cause any pain in my ankle but again the heat takes a toll on someone trying to get outside to exercise.  My 12 mile ride the other day in 100 degrees was great but I didn't feel like I got as good of a work out as kickboxing gives me. Last weekend we spent a day at the waterpark, Jade and Alex had a blast.  The wave pool was packed and the lines to ride on any waterslide were so long it was almost not worth it.  We went to dinner and then watched a movie.  It was a nice weekend.  The Fourth of July was not much to brag about.  With the heat and dry weather all of the fireworks were cancelled and going to the parade in 102 weather was not sounding fun.  Alex's summer school was cancelled due to heat so I have been struggling to keep him from driving me insane.  It will be nice to get back to the 80's.  thanks for reading xoxo