Wednesday, October 24, 2012

New Job, New Belt

UGH!! Dear Mother Nature, Father Time, and Planet Earth,
Please slow down!! You are moving at rapid pace and I am afraid I won't be able to keep up much longer.  Thank you!

As for the rest of you, I got a second job. I applied for it before I went to ladies football weekend, passed information back and forth while on football weekend, interviewed over the phone and got the job. Its important for our community and something I really love to do. I am the new Supervising Director for our Recreation Department.  Its part time although lately it feels like full time.  So far I love it. I am planning events, coaching, and working with kids.  Just so happens my boss thinks I am doing a great job so far, he is leaving and a new director is in the process of being hired.  Lets hope I will impress the new boss just as much!

I had a belt test last night and passed. One step closer to my goal!! Green is my new color! Thanks for reading xoxo

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