Monday, February 24, 2014

4th Place 2014

The hardest part of being a wrestlers mom is knowing what to say after a loss.  I know I didn't always say the things Michael wanted to hear and frankly I didn't want to sugar coat it.  Sometimes I just let him do his thing.  I am pretty sure I have said more than once that its important to learn from the loss, figure out what went wrong and learn a way out of it.  So this weekend I felt like I was right back with Michael in high school but it was with Alex who is still in elementary.  With his loss came tears and frustration and possibility that he won't want to continue this sport anymore.  I told him sometimes we win, sometimes we don't, the important thing is to learn what we can do better next time.  And while he ranted about not wanting to continue I asked him to think about it a little longer.  After all was done and he stood there with his 4th place medal and a hat that had two pins for his pins, I think he will be back.  You did great Alex and I am very proud of you! thanks for reading xoxo

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

2014 First Dual Meet

Alex had his first wrestling dual meet a couple weeks ago. He won two, lost two and did a great job! He has another dual meet this Friday and I am so excited to see him wrassle!!! thanks for reading xoxo

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Favorite things...

Super Excited about those Seahawks!! Superbowl CHAMPS!!! Here are my favorite things that I got this season! thanks for reading xoxo

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Snip Snip

Ella got her first hair cut today. We have been preparing her for awhile now and she did great! She sat very still and was very serious. She got sparkles sprayed on at the end.  Jade and I also got our hair cut.  Jade was so excited to get hers cut it was almost as if it were Christmas.  We had been talking about how short she would like it and she was set on having it short short short.  Once she saw Ellas she decided she wanted hers to be the same.  She did great and also go sparkles at the end.  It was already determined that we were going to donate our hair so combined we donated 30 inches!! It was a fun day at the salon! thanks for reading xoxo