Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Big Thumbs Up

I thought I would be happy when Jade finally stops sucking her thumb. I thought I would feel relieved that she would not have the dry red marks anymore.  I thought that it would be a huge challenge and would require gloves or nasty tasting nail polish.  I was so wrong. I was wrong about it all.  I took her to the dentist who told her she shouldn't do it because its changing the shape of her teeth and since that day,  9 days ago, she hasn't sucked her thumb and truthfully, it breaks my heart.  Its getting easier and I am very proud of her.  I tell her I am proud but I don't mention its because she stopped sucking her thumb.  I stare at her everyday for minutes on end just watching her play or look at books or watch tv.  I watched her physically put her thumb to her mouth and stop before it got there.  I could see it was hard for her.  I could see her face sadden when she pulled her thumb away.  I cried. I am crying just thinking about it now.  She is very strong willed and I am very impressed at her determination to not do it.  It was so subconscious for her even in her sleep.  I knew the day would come when she wouldn't do it anymore but I had no clue that it would make me feel so sad.  I think its because its the last part of her being little, like a baby, that is not there anymore.  Its true what they say...Making the decision to have a child- its momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking outside your body. Thanks for reading xoxo

Friday, March 7, 2014

Chomper Check Up

Jade and Alex went to the dentist for a check up and cleaning. I thought Jade would be nervous and clingy but she did amazing!! All the stuff on her face and in her mouth didn't intimate her one bit. She did such a great job she got to pick out a prize from the treasure drawer.  Alex also did great and I am super relieved he had no cavities! Ella is up next and we will see how it goes. I am just glad that Jade had a good enough experience that she has been telling her younger sister, its fun and kinda neat and never hurts! thanks for reading xoxo