Friday, May 30, 2014


WoW where did the time go? Its the end of May and I haven't kept up with life. Alex named his dragon Blade. Jade got a new pet. Ella still has not gotten potty trained. Yes, I said Jade got a new pet. Kato, Jade, Ella, and I went to Brat Fest. We played the ping pong ball toss game, the one where you toss the ping pong ball into the little glass jars and if you make it, you win. Well Jade and Ella didn't do so well so of course being as competitive as I am, I just had to try and sure enough my first toss, I won a fish.  I gave it to Jade and she named her Cupcake. Thank goodness Ella doesn't want any pets!!! thanks for reading xoxo

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