Monday, December 12, 2011

2nd 3rd 7th

It was a busy weekend.

Michael had a wrestling tournament in Sun Prairie. It was the first time the Sauk Prairie wrestling team went to this event. There were 17 schools competing. Michael did fantastic and took home 2nd place. It was the first time I had seen him pin a guy using only his legs. I was very impressed. The team took home 2nd place which was only 14 points behind first. It was a great day of wrestling!

I came home to a house full of young lads anxiously awaiting cake. Alex had his birthday party to celebrate turning 7. He had about 6 boys come over for a slumber party. We got right into opening presents, cake, and ice cream. Afterwards they changed into pjs found a spot on the couch or floor and watched Cars 2 with popcorn. Most fell asleep before the movie ended. Some were still awake when I went to bed. A few claimed they stayed up all night, I know it wasn't true cause when I came down the next morning to make pancakes, bacon, and sausage they were sleeping. They got picked up by 10am and we got ready for the next round of birthday celebration.

Jade's 3rd birthday fell on that same day but because of wrestling schedules, holiday parties, and Christmas we had to give Alex his party on Jade's birthday. She insists she is only 2 1/2 and frankly I don't care how old she says she is as long as the terrible twos are over! She isn't that bad but she does have her moments. Since I had just made a cake for Alex I bought a very small already made cake for Jade and decorated it up a bit. She opened some presents and blew out her candles. She sang happy birthday to herself and even though it was technically the day after her birthday she didn't care. She was perfectly happy to celebrate the way it was.

After all the birthday stuff was over, we cleaned up a bit and settled in for Mr. Poppers Penguins and called it a night. It was a very busy weekend which will be followed by an even busier week. So AWESOME Job Michael, Happy Birthday Jade and Alex and thanks for reading xoxo

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