Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Alex's Indian Artwork

Alex has been learning about Indians in school. He was very interested in learning that he has a very small amount of Indian in him. It got a bit complicated explaining that its not in his foot or arms but yet his entire body. He then explained to us that his hunting skills and part of his warrior skills are in fact because he is Indian. I told him the best person to talk to about this kind of stuff would be Grandma Kim because she also makes wonderful Indian art and has learned more about the Indian heritage of our family then I have. Anyway, he got very interested in the Indian life of long ago and made some really wonderful pieces of art. He was excited to show us all the things he colored and created. He showed us the types of homes they once lived in and even made a map of the United States showing us where they lived. He was very proud of his work. I am very proud of his work. I picked a couple of pieces he recently brought home and decided to share them with you. So here is his Woodland Indians Designs and his Thunderbird. thanks for reading xoxo

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