Saturday, April 21, 2012

HiYaaah My Ninjaaa

Three weeks ago I decided to start Karate...after all you can't have Karate without Kara haha.  I love it. It empowers me and gives me confidence to do what I want to do and be the person I want to be.  I enjoy the workout I get and I really like my new ninja family.  Alex and I bond over karate and its something we both can do together.  He is very good.  Last night I had my first belt test.  Being the strong confident woman that I am you would not have guessed that I was so nervous I thought I was going to barf.  Graphic yes but it had to be said.  I felt like my heart was in my throat and I was afraid.  Mostly because of the unexpected but also because its a test.  I was anxious to move up and do a good job.  I want to be the best at karate that I can be and I am not so forgiving of myself when it comes to making mistakes.  I was focused but definitely intimidated.  The test was about 2 hours long and mainly consisted of kids.  There were three adults testing, one other white belt and an orange belt.  The three of us were grouped together while working on club techniques.  We had to run, do push ups, stay on guard, keep our horse stance low, remember yes sir and yes ma'am, and give our very best.  I was hot, sweaty, bruised, tossed, dropped on the floor on my back, hit with a stick, punched at, kicked at, laughed with, and passed.  I am one step closer to being a ninja.  Even though I am still a beginner I feel proud of myself and excited to learn new techniques.  Now that I am also teaching cardio kickboxing where I also learn karate I have a feeling I will reach my desired body weight and shape sooner rather then later.  You are never to old to learn a new skill, I am sure I have posted that before.  Enjoy this life. thanks for reading xoxo

Friday, April 6, 2012

Living it up

I thought once wrestling season was over I would have more time but that is not the case. I have yet again added to my busy schedule and started Karate myself. I have had two classes and have earned my first stripe. I am planning on testing for my yellow belt at the end of the month so I need to focus. I also was offered a wonderful opportunity to teach cardio kickboxing on Saturdays at Red Dragon. I am determined to get into shape and keep it that way. I feel great when I work out and it gives me the much deserved break I need from being with the kids all day. I feel happier and am starting to enjoy my time with the kids even more. I never realized how important it is to have me time until I actually started getting it. Alex is still doing Karate and I hope to catch up to him. He has earned his first stripe as a yellow belt and is working hard at becoming a ninja. I love that this is something he and I can do together. Dad and him have sports and projects in the man room and now he and I have this. Its not easy being the mom and the disciplinarian and the tutor and the chef and the maid and the chauffeur to him all the time. I want to have a great relationship with all my kids so they are always open and honest with me. Karate is a great way for Alex and I to have that connection. Jade and Ella go to watch him with me and they too are practicing on their own. Who knows maybe in time they will join too. I have been thinking alot about things I would like to try and do before I get too old to do them and so I might try learning to play guitar or speak a new language or skydive. Whatever it is I plan to do I am going to take advantage of it because you are never to old to learn something new. I know that one day my kids are going to be grown and gone and living an entirely new life and I don't want to be left with that empty feeling of uselessness. I am still young and I still feel even younger. So until my body can't do anymore or my mind is gone I am going to keep trying new things even if I am scared, nervous, or may think that I won't even like it. Isn't that what life is supposed to be about? thanks for reading xoxo