Thursday, August 30, 2012

Zoo Day

We took the kids to the zoo to check out all the animals.  My favorite ones were my kids.  Its a free zoo and the animals are usually out so it makes for a fun day with the family.  Of course when it came time for a group photo with the little kids the only one willing to give me a great face was Ella.  Figures.  thanks for reading xoxo

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Mighty Mississippi

Kato and I went to LaCrosse to go on an adventure with his work buddies.  They rented two pontoons and we were to go down the mighty Mississippi, stop for some lunch, and maybe hit up a sandy beach.  Not even halfway into the adventure one of the boats broke down.  We managed our way to shore and had some lunch at the Thirsty Turtle.  My husband bought me a sweet tshirt from there.  Since we had one boat left some of us split up and drove back to town while the others took the other boat back.  Kato and I were lucky to be on the boat.  I did some karate on the Mississippi.  It was fun while it lasted. Thanks for reading xoxo

Monday, August 20, 2012

Back to School Shopping

We went shopping for Alex's school supplies this weekend and he picked out a couple of shirts, pants, and a hoody.  It will be nice when he gets back to school not only because he goes stir crazy but because he does so much better when on a set routine.  This year his teachers name is Mrs. Holler.  She is the teacher that we wanted for him.  I hope he enjoys school this year a little more.  We have been trying to have him read and work in a bridge book but sometimes time is not on our side.  Seventeen more days till 2nd grade begins. thanks for reading xoxo

Sunday, August 19, 2012

I Pink I Can, I Pink I Can

Yesterday was the annual Dirty Girl Mud Run here in Wisconsin.  I participated in it last year and had so much fun that I wasn't going to miss this years.  It was held in a new location and it by far exceeded last years experience.  The kids stayed with Jayne and Keith and Kato went with me to the race.  Its a 5k obstacle race for women only.  The proceeds go to fight breast cancer.  This year our teams theme was "I pink I can, I pink I can" and it was printed on our panties which we wore on the outside of our shorts.  There were only five of us but it was perfect.  We had a blast and enjoyed all the obstacles of mud, mud puddles, more mud, a few tires, and some stuff to climb over.  I think it is such a positive thing for women to do as a group.  Empowering each other is something we should all be doing because you never know when you might need some girl power! Speaking of girl power I can't wait to go to Arizona this year for an entire week to hang with my girls for Ladies Football Weekend.  Looking forward to next years Dirty Girl! thanks for reading xoxo

Friday, August 10, 2012

This little piggy...

Last week I was learning some new kicks at karate class and some how managed to rip my pinky toenail off.   It was bleeding all over the place and I had to wrap it up twice.  It was tender for a few days but is feeling much better now.  I have selected a new polish color to help blend it in.  I took Ella to the doctor last Friday and had the doctor look at it.  He said not to cover it up with polish but maybe keep it covered with a band aid.  Last night at karate I managed to stub it a couple of times and thought I was going to scream but pulled through.  Note to self, keep toenails extremely short.  thanks for reading xoxo

Just Keep Running

I ran a 5k a few Saturday nights ago.  It benefited the National Kidney and Organ Donation foundation.  It was my first 5k in awhile.  The race started at the Capital and from there we ran along the lake front and ended at the Goodman pool.  The pool was closed down and reopened for us so that we could have a private pool party after the race.  The little kids and Kato were there and Keith came down too.  He took some photos and cheered me on.  It was my fasted 5k, I ran it in a little over 27 minutes.  That broke down to 8:55 minutes per mile.  I was really proud of myself.  The pool party was fun but the water was cold.  I hope to do the race again next year too. My ankle had been bothering me for awhile so I did finally go to a sports medicine doctor and started some physical therapy and let me tell you, it was the best thing ever! In just a few short sessions the pain in my ankle is gone and the stiffness is minimal.  I do stretches every day and have been working on the muscles to help support it.  I can not stress to you enough the importance of physical therapy and if you have any ailments to give it a try.  The following day after my Capital City 5k I ran another 5k.  A friend of mine, who is in running group with me called Moms Run This Town, had a friend who lost all of her belongings in a home fire.  My friend created a 5k fundraiser for her so I wasn't about to turn that down.  I did run almost 5 minutes slower but for me doing two 5ks within 15 hours of each other was pretty darn impressive.  I admit I was stiff and sore the next day but with a little stretching and physical therapy I was good as new.  That weekend went by super fast and even though I didn't get much else done it was all worth it.  thanks for reading xoxo