Friday, December 28, 2012

Merry Christmas

Christmas was here. We stayed home the entire time. I waited until the last minute to get the wrapping done and while I would have rather had bows and ribbons on all the gifts I was so sick of wrapping that I just didn't do it this year. I was going to wait and put them on when they went under the tree but just didn't have the energy or desire.  The kids didn't seem to mind or notice.  Our elf, Jonah, decided to put painters tape across Alex's bedroom door and fill it with balloons so when he came to the door he had to fight his way through. It was funny. They tore through their stockings and couldn't wait to get their hands on the main event. Ella was so into it that she got sad when she didn't have a present in her little hand. They all loved what they got and after an hour of drum playing, it was time to put them up.  Jayne and Keith came over for dinner and we had a nice visit.  It was a good Christmas and I hope next year to be a little more proactive and get things ready sooner so that I don't stress over it so much.  I know Christmas isn't about gifts but to my 8, 4, and 2 year old it is. Some of you might think that is sad but I remember growing up and having tons of gifts under the tree and family members everywhere. Good food was prepared by my Grandma with some help from my mom and aunt and we feasted.  We always had a good time at Christmas. I miss my family terribly and I miss having Christmas with them.  So if my kids get to have those same feeling while they are little, believing in the magic of it, I am fine with that. I know when they get older they will understand its more then gifts but for now, I am not about to take those smiles and excited squeals of joy away cause that too is part of my Christmas and the magic behind it. I hope everyone enjoyed the day and I wish everyone a Happy New Year! thanks for reading xoxo

Monday, December 17, 2012

Family Fun Night

My new position with the Recreation Department has kept me very busy. We had our first annual Holiday Family Fun Night on Saturday.  We invited the community to come celebrate the holidays with us.  We had fun crafts and projects and Santa made an appearance.  It was a wonderful night and I am so thankful for the help I received from Kato, Jayne, Keith and Michael.  thanks for reading xoxo

Green Belt

Alex tested for his Green belt last week and did amazing! His push up are even getting better! I love his face when he sees his dad holding for board breaking.  Sad as it is to say, with this new belt comes a break.  He will be taking a break from karate to pursue wrestling.  Doing both sports would require the abilities to be in two places at once.  Not easy, even for a ninja!  Good job Alex and I can't wait to see you take it to the mat!! thanks for reading xoxo

Crazy 8

Just when I ran out of delicious princess cupcakes it was time to make more.  Alex had his 8th birthday on Friday.  I don't know what he was more excited for, cupcakes at school or not having to ride in a booster seat anymore.  He was also anxious to open his presents.  I not only made him cupcakes for his class but also made him a cake for at home.  The stinker took his cupcakes to school and decided to tell his classmates they had to return the ninjas on top.  I was a little disappointed at him for doing that especially since I had told him to be sure to let them keep the ninjas.  He wanted tacos for dinner, so yes I made him tacos too.  He had a decent birthday despite my obvious mood swings and need to hug and kiss him.  The look on his face when opening his gifts was priceless.  I see the genuine happiness and good and feel so blessed he is my baby boy.

All of our hearts and prayers go out to those who lost their babies, mothers, sisters, aunts, and relatives that day in Newtown CT. It was bittersweet for me.  The need to go pick up Alex early that day from school was more overwhelming then ever before.  I had to fight that need to get him.  I know kids love going to school on their birthday and didn't want to ruin that for him.  I found myself bursting into tears with the thought of a parent losing a child younger then Alex. Sobbing through out the afternoon trying not the let the children know how sad I am.  Kindergarten lost some innocence and I pray for the children who have to return to that school and know what happened there, that the classrooms will be filled with joyous adventures and eagerness to learn.  I pray for the families that their healing process takes them the necessary full circle and in the end, without fully understanding the why this happened, they will be able to look to the future and see hope and faith in humanity and find peace in their souls.  I pray that somehow this country can come together with an idea on how to prevent these heinous crimes from happening.  I pray that this doesn't happen again.  thanks for reading xoxo

Birthday Suits...

Jade wearing some of her new birthday outfits from Grandma Kim! She looks marvelous! thanks for reading xoxo

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Jades 4th Birthday

My oldest daughter celebrated her 4th birthday yesterday and she couldn't have been more excited to turn 4! Its a big deal because she can officially start school in the fall.  I made her pink cupcakes, with pink and purple frosting.  She could hardly wait for her dad to come home so she could open her presents under her birthday tree.  She was so excited to see what was in each one.  She loved her new clothes from Grandma Kim and wore some to bed.  She loved her movie from Uncle Nick and his family.  She got so excited to see the jewelry kit from us. She loves getting money in cards and envelopes but what kid doesn't? The highlight of the day was at nap time.  I love her so much and thought it would be fun to have a cupcake with her, just her and I.  I asked her if she wanted to and of course she said yes.  It was our secret, until now.  After the cupcake I asked her if she likes being four she said yes but next year I need to make her cake this big (she holds out her arms as wide as possible) and I said that is really big.  I said we could take it to her school to share with friends, she got worried because how would we be able to get a cake that big to school? Thank goodness I have an entire year to plan it!  Happy 4th Birthday Jade! thanks for reading xoxo