Monday, December 17, 2012

Crazy 8

Just when I ran out of delicious princess cupcakes it was time to make more.  Alex had his 8th birthday on Friday.  I don't know what he was more excited for, cupcakes at school or not having to ride in a booster seat anymore.  He was also anxious to open his presents.  I not only made him cupcakes for his class but also made him a cake for at home.  The stinker took his cupcakes to school and decided to tell his classmates they had to return the ninjas on top.  I was a little disappointed at him for doing that especially since I had told him to be sure to let them keep the ninjas.  He wanted tacos for dinner, so yes I made him tacos too.  He had a decent birthday despite my obvious mood swings and need to hug and kiss him.  The look on his face when opening his gifts was priceless.  I see the genuine happiness and good and feel so blessed he is my baby boy.

All of our hearts and prayers go out to those who lost their babies, mothers, sisters, aunts, and relatives that day in Newtown CT. It was bittersweet for me.  The need to go pick up Alex early that day from school was more overwhelming then ever before.  I had to fight that need to get him.  I know kids love going to school on their birthday and didn't want to ruin that for him.  I found myself bursting into tears with the thought of a parent losing a child younger then Alex. Sobbing through out the afternoon trying not the let the children know how sad I am.  Kindergarten lost some innocence and I pray for the children who have to return to that school and know what happened there, that the classrooms will be filled with joyous adventures and eagerness to learn.  I pray for the families that their healing process takes them the necessary full circle and in the end, without fully understanding the why this happened, they will be able to look to the future and see hope and faith in humanity and find peace in their souls.  I pray that somehow this country can come together with an idea on how to prevent these heinous crimes from happening.  I pray that this doesn't happen again.  thanks for reading xoxo

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