Thursday, March 7, 2013

Feb Trip To WA

I was lucky enough to have 10 days in Washington this time.  I miss it, it is my original home. I miss my friends. I miss my family. I don't miss the traffic or the rain everyday.  I was able to get outside and run and loved it. I was shocked I was able to run over 3 miles still without stopping.  Here its snow and ice outside so my options for running are limited.  I don't like our treadmill because it sticks and I feel like I am going to fall, otherwise I would run on it more.  It was cheap.
I was so excited to meet baby Zoey and hold her.  She smells divine, even with a messy diaper.  She told me stories and smiled with me.  I miss Julie, I wish I could have more time with her whenever I want. She is my bestie and I couldn't have created a better friend with a fancy magic machine if it was available.  Its amazing to think when we first met we were not married, didn't have mortgages, and our responsibility levels were at a minimum.  I, of course was a mom so it might have been slightly higher but none the less when we got together and went out, you wouldn't have known it.  I am very proud of all her accomplishments and enjoy her friendship, company, and just love her to pieces! I can't wait to see her again.
My baby brother took me to see my grandpa. It was the first time I went to his grave. I miss him terribly and would give anything to have been able to see him one more time.  I am thankful to have had the time I did with him but he is irreplaceable!
Having the alone time with my brother was wonderful. Who would have thought after all the fighting we did as kids he would be such a great guy to hang out with. What can I say, I love that guy!
My nieces were perfect, my Auntie made some super yummy cupcakes and my mom created her masterpiece dish, chicken & dumplings! So good!!! My grandma looked well although she was losing her voice by the end of the week and my dad was busy planning his retirement job. Apparently he is going to become a hot dog vendor.

I had a wonderful visit and all is well in Washington. I visited with most of the people I wanted to but still had to leave some out.  Its not easy scheduling to see 5 people in one day.  I guess I will just have to get back again soon! Its good to be home, back with my babies. They are all sick but its still good to be home. thanks for reading xoxo

1 comment:

  1. You just made me cry reading this! You are such an amazing friend and I had so much fun with you. You really gave me strength as a new mom and I thank you for that. And seeing you with Zoey just melted my heart and how much you loved her! You are so strong, loving, courageous, empowering, beautiful, fun, and my best friend for live!!!!! Our bound is irreplaceable and will last forever! Thanks for being the most amazing friend I could ever ask for!!!!! xoxoxoxo
