Thursday, August 1, 2013


The first Monday back to work after a vacation is always difficult. It would be nice to have a couple days to ease back into things. I had to move the van in the driveway this morning and completely freaked out over how little the breaks were working. I feel even more fortunate to have made it home alive after realizing how unsafe it was. Our van was scheduled to go into the shop on Wednesday.  The kids were in full swing on Monday and with 11 being here I was busy! We walked to the post office to deliver a package and mail some bills when everything blew up! I told the kids to keep hands and feet to themselves, no climbing and to be patient cause I would only take a minute. I saw Jade climbing under the table and told her to stop. I was up at the counter and had my back to the children, who for the most part were being perfect. Well Jade was misbehaving and climbing under the table again. She fell backwards hitting her head on something so hard it split it open. Blood was coming out but I couldn't find where the wound was.  I was right in the middle of my transaction with the post master. He asked me if I needed a paper towel and I said well either that or she can continue to bleed on your floor. After digging in her hair I found the wound and realized instantly she would need stitches. I was happy we weren't experiencing a real Zombie Apocalypse otherwise we'd all be goners based on the amount of brains oozing out of her big head.  Ok I am joking but I can finally see some humor in all this but in reality I was freaking out a little.  After what seemed like to take forever for the postmaster to finish up we were out of there!  Here is where panic sets in...I have no vehicle, 11 kids, two blocks from home, one bloody child, two crying kids for fear of Jade's condition, and a elderly lady asking if I needed a ride to the hospital. I thanked her for the offer but declined. We walked home (its only 2 blocks), I called parents and Kato.  Alex applied pressure to Jades head while I rushed around getting everyone ready to be picked up and to go to the hospital.   I had one parent pick me up some break fluid for the van and take Alex with them. The rest of the parents were there in 10 minutes. Jade, Ella, and I got to the hospital and was put in an emergency room where Kato showed up 10 minutes later. They cleaned her head and numbed it up real good. They gave both Ella and Jade a little stuffed bear and stickers.  Jade did so good and I was real proud of her when they put three staples into her head without a flinch! She can't swim this week and hasn't even skipped a beat with her new heavy metal accessory. I feel thankful that it wasn't worse, or in the front of her head. The Princess Ball is tomorrow and it would be sad to see her black and blue in the face while the rest of her is fancied up. The brakes got fixed on the van and its Thursday where all I can think about is how good Friday will feel! thanks for reading xoxo

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