Thursday, August 15, 2013

Summer Bugs Me...

We started the summer off with really bad mosquitos and they were hungry. A few stink bugs came our way too. Alex scoops up beetles and spiders and puts them in habitats he makes for them, observes them for a few days then sets them free, if they are still alive.  We got a few ants in the house again but it was no biggie, the spiders haven't been on the windows like usual, thank goodness, but they are all over inside the play houses and if we don't use the strollers they build webs all over those things. The earwigs suck no matter what. The worst of the bugs have been the bees, wasps, hornets or whatever you want to call them. Thankfully, knocking on wood, no one has been stung yet at my house but its not over yet. We have destroyed some hives in the making and have purchased a couple cans of wasps spray. I will be happy when the cooler weather comes and all these bugs stop buggin us!! thanks for reading xoxo

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