Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Best Day Ever 2013

One day last week it was pretty warm outside. We had just gotten back from picking the kids up at school. They wanted to play outside and I didn't hesitate to say yes! I got out a rake and started raking up the leaves. We always have a huge pile, they congregate in our yard even though we don't have any trees.  After the pile was nice and big the kids started playing in it.  The high light of my day, that day, was when Jade ran up to me, gave me a big hug and said "BEST DAY EVER!" It probably helped that I had also taken her to McDonalds for lunch. She really enjoyed the leaves, but then again, she always has! thanks for reading xoxo

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Squirrel Hunting

Alex and Michael are 11 years apart.  They have a bond through brotherhood, wrestling, and now hunting.  Michael took Alex squirrel hunting today and they had a great time.  Michael passed down a bb gun to Alex and I have realized that both boys are not my little boys anymore.  Michael has moved out, is on his own, and Alex is growing up and going hunting.  I do feel blessed that they didn't bring any squirrels home for Mama to clean and cook! But I also feel a little sad that they both don't need their Mama as much anymore.  One thing is for sure...I am very proud and very thankful for having these two wonderful amazing boys, Trigger and Tidal Wave! I love love love them! thanks for reading xoxo

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Happy 20th Gator

Happy Birthday to my first born...20 years!! Michael and his girlfriend, Anna, came over for dinner.  Its different now that he has grown up a bit, gotten his own apartment, and is working full time.  I miss hearing him say "Bye Mama, Love You" everyday as he walks out the door so when he does stop by I want it to be quality time.  I made one of his favorites for dinner and of course a cake.  We sang a horrible rendition of happy birthday and he blew out candles.  I found a bunch of photos of his past twenty years and posted them on Facebook.  Here are only a few.

 Some of them made me laugh, some made me cry, others brought back so many wonderful memories.  Its been wonderful watching him grow up and become a man.  Happy Birthday Michael I Love You!! thanks for reading xoxo

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Trick or Treat 2013

The kids had fun picking out pumpkins to carve and planning their Halloween costumes.  Alex decided to be a killer zombie clown, Ella wanted to be a witch but changed her mind to Snow White the moment she saw the dress, and Jade well....she was challenging.  It all began with a little fish who she became obsessed with.  The constant watching of the movie, signing the songs from the movie, her mad desire to become her, and how non-stop for weeks it was "Mom, did you find my Ariel costume yet?" Oh how I wished I had never introduced her to The Little Mermaid! I found her a perfect Ariel costume.  It was perfect because it didn't cost an arm and a leg and it was in her size.  She didn't like it.  It itched her.  Oh boy, back to the drawing board.  She was going to be Strawberry Shortcake.  Perfect!! We have that costume.  But then she got a bag of dress up costumes from a friend and found the perfect costume.  So behold one Snow White, one Killer Zombie Clown, and one Grumpy Pirate the firefighter is Baby Martin who is going to be a big brother in December. thanks for reading xoxo