Thursday, November 7, 2013

Happy 20th Gator

Happy Birthday to my first born...20 years!! Michael and his girlfriend, Anna, came over for dinner.  Its different now that he has grown up a bit, gotten his own apartment, and is working full time.  I miss hearing him say "Bye Mama, Love You" everyday as he walks out the door so when he does stop by I want it to be quality time.  I made one of his favorites for dinner and of course a cake.  We sang a horrible rendition of happy birthday and he blew out candles.  I found a bunch of photos of his past twenty years and posted them on Facebook.  Here are only a few.

 Some of them made me laugh, some made me cry, others brought back so many wonderful memories.  Its been wonderful watching him grow up and become a man.  Happy Birthday Michael I Love You!! thanks for reading xoxo

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