Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Trick or Treat 2013

The kids had fun picking out pumpkins to carve and planning their Halloween costumes.  Alex decided to be a killer zombie clown, Ella wanted to be a witch but changed her mind to Snow White the moment she saw the dress, and Jade well....she was challenging.  It all began with a little fish who she became obsessed with.  The constant watching of the movie, signing the songs from the movie, her mad desire to become her, and how non-stop for weeks it was "Mom, did you find my Ariel costume yet?" Oh how I wished I had never introduced her to The Little Mermaid! I found her a perfect Ariel costume.  It was perfect because it didn't cost an arm and a leg and it was in her size.  She didn't like it.  It itched her.  Oh boy, back to the drawing board.  She was going to be Strawberry Shortcake.  Perfect!! We have that costume.  But then she got a bag of dress up costumes from a friend and found the perfect costume.  So behold one Snow White, one Killer Zombie Clown, and one Grumpy Pirate the firefighter is Baby Martin who is going to be a big brother in December. thanks for reading xoxo

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