Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Nugget is Nine

Alex turned 9 last Saturday! I made him chocolate chip muffins to take to school on Friday! Saturday he decided to have a sleep over birthday party. It very well could be the last one. Boys are just too wild! I made him a cake and he decided he wanted to have wrestling on it.  We got the boys McDonalds and had a nerf gun battle.  Alex was excited to get a Badger pillow from my mom and Kato was excited she included the garbage bag for all the wrapping clean up.  He got a remote controlled helicopter, Pokemon cards, a Badger hat, some Marine dudes, and various other super awesome things.  The boys enjoyed WWF smack down and surprisingly no one got seriously injured.  I was happy only three stayed the entire night, the others went home around 9pm.  They stayed up until 3am, ate popcorn, drank root beer, and played with his new toys.  I made them pancakes and sausage for breakfast.  When they were all gone I was tired and exhausted.  It was a fun party for him but I think next year, we will go back to the Community Center where they all can run and play and be loud!! Happy Birthday Nugget, I hope being 9 is everything you hoped it would be!!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Jade is finally FIVE

Its not easy having to go all day without Birthday cake, without opening presents, without a card with money in it but when you turn 5 and your name is Jade, its easy!! She must have asked a million times if she was finally 5! She did get her cupcakes at school and I am sure they sang her happy birthday but to go all day without opening one present and not complain...thats priceless! She was so excited to get new boots from Grandma Kim and a pretend make-up center! Her and Ella played Beauty Parlor right away! I asked her first thing in the morning how it feels to be finally five and she said "awkward" it is her new saying! She fell asleep in her boots and can't wait to wear them to school. She got a ten spot from GG and said she is going to Taco Bell with it. She will probably wear her boots, which will remind her she needs more lipstick, and when she goes to her vanity to get lipstick she'll ask "whens it my birthday again!" Happy 5th Birthday Jade, I love you sooooo much! thanks for reading xoxo

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Cupcake Surprise

Jade and I had another mommy and me date. We went to our favorite cupcake place in Madison and Jade picked out two cupcakes.  Of course one was pink with sprinkles, the other was white with purple sprinkles. It didn't take us long to pick them out, only because she makes her decision based on colors, not flavors.  Anyway, we get ready to pay and the lady behind the counter tells me that a person ahead of me already paid for our cupcakes! I was shocked cause it seems that never happens to me.  So Jade and I enjoyed our free cupcakes.  I was really excited about what had happened that I wanted to do something like that too, so without going into details, lets just say I paid it forward.  Afterwards we did a little shopping then called it a day! Mommy and me date was AWESOME! thanks for reading xoxo