Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Cupcake Surprise

Jade and I had another mommy and me date. We went to our favorite cupcake place in Madison and Jade picked out two cupcakes.  Of course one was pink with sprinkles, the other was white with purple sprinkles. It didn't take us long to pick them out, only because she makes her decision based on colors, not flavors.  Anyway, we get ready to pay and the lady behind the counter tells me that a person ahead of me already paid for our cupcakes! I was shocked cause it seems that never happens to me.  So Jade and I enjoyed our free cupcakes.  I was really excited about what had happened that I wanted to do something like that too, so without going into details, lets just say I paid it forward.  Afterwards we did a little shopping then called it a day! Mommy and me date was AWESOME! thanks for reading xoxo

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