Thursday, March 1, 2012

Gator at State

Michael has had the most amazing season. I am glad he found something he really loves and worked hard enough to accomplish his goal. At the beginning of the season I asked him what his goal was and he said to get on the podium at State. Sauk Prairie had three wrestlers make it to State this year Michael, Mikey Miller, and Jared Schaaf. Thursday-first day of State was amazing. The boys had the fire truck escort out of town but this year they got to actually ride in them. Michael was so excited that he got to push the button and make the horn blow. They had to get there early because of weigh ins so they left town before we did. We had signs and wrestling gear on as well as the confidence that our boys would make us proud. The Kohl stadium was the venue again this year and we had awesome seats. Close to the action and we didn't have to move seats too many times to catch all of Michaels matches. He wrestled like a warrior. He never missed a beat. He pinned his opponents like it was nothing and managed to tie the 40 year old record for most pins in a season at 27. We were so happy and thrilled because at the end of the first night he was in the semi finals, which Sauk Prairie hadn't had a semi finalist in 5 years. He was guaranteed 6th place which is getting on the podium and getting a medal at State. Something that is not easy to do and something to be very proud of. Friday came quick and once again we were up early and out on time with a bit of a rush. Michael had another match but not until that evening but we needed to be there for Mikey and Jared's matches. Both boys lost that day but they gave it their all, leaving it all on the mat. We are proud of them. Michael also lost his match that night leaving me in tears but knowing he did his best was all I could ask for. I think I was sad for him because I know how bad he wanted to wrestle for first. Despite my efforts to not cry I couldn't help it all the way home, I am glad I sat way in the back where Michael didn't see it. I feel bad that I cried over it but I knew how bad he wanted it and I was frankly a little pissed that the coaches had him take bottom position when I knew he would have done better at top. I know why it happened and I understand the strategy I just wanted it so badly for him. It was the competitive side of me showing its nastiness. The last day, Saturday, back at the Kohl center we were ready for action. I felt much better and was thankful Michael gave me a few minutes to talk with him about the loss. He was actually ok with it and that eased my broken heart and I was never more proud of him because he may have lost the battle but he did not loose the war. State is a very emotional time for a wrestler because its more personal, more physical, and the highest level of achievement in the regular wrestling season. It was time for him to continue and Michael had two matches to go. Both times he lost. It was harder for me to be sad over those losses then it was the first one because I knew he was going to be on the podium either way and because he told me he was going to be alright. I know he was upset and disappointed in himself. He got a bad ref for one of the matches and got the short end of the stick on a couple of calls. He never got pinned only lost by points. He went out there, gave it his all, and left his mark on the Sauk Prairie Wrestling team. There are going to be big shoes to fill next year for them. He not only got 6th at State, tied the record for most pins in a season, but also went undefeated at every dual meet this season. I was at every tournament, every dual meet, and got to be there as his number one fan at State. I am beyond the moon proud of him and there are no words to describe this unbelievable feeling. He is nothing but amazing, nothing but the best, and nothing short of a true champion! thanks for reading xoxo

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