Thursday, March 1, 2012

Vegas or bust

Things have finally started to calm down a bit and I can catch up on all that has been happening. Lets go back to February 19th. Kato and I left for Vegas that day, it was also my birthday, I don't recommend traveling on your birthday unless its a very short trip. Our flight was really long because they sent us to Detroit then to Vegas, we live in Wisconsin. Anyway, once we got to our hotel, checked in, went to the room, freshened up, it was 8:30pm and we were hungry! The hotel was gorgeous and fancy. We had a view of the city, a phone by the toilet, and plenty of room to stretch out. There were many restaurants to choose from so we picked the one that had no openings, of course. Our second choice was nice, an Italian menu and yummy wine. Kato mentioned it was my birthday and the waiter brought me a free dessert with a candle to blow out, it was the only form of birthday celebration I got this year. I guess I am ok with that because there is nothing I can do about it now but it would have been nice to have something from my husband. I guess some guys are just like that, if you don't put it in writing or yell something really loud they don't do anything, despite the fact that you do something for them. I did say something to him later that night and his thoughts were that we had a fancy hotel and a trip to Vegas which should have been good enough. Only a girl would understand what that felt like. I would have given up the hotel and the trip (which was for his work anyway) for a card and a gift from him that was personal. Ok enough about it. I did get some cards in the mail with some extra spending money so I was determined to spend every last cent on myself. I accomplished that goal rather quickly and found some jeans, a purse, earrings, a bracelet, and a couple of t-shirts. I walked the Vegas strip one day which totaled 7 1/2 miles, ate at the fancy restaurant we didn't get into the first night, dinner at the Hard Rock one night, and went to a IWCE thing which was boring to me but part of Katos work. I didn't miss the kids as much as I thought I would until the day we were leaving. I thought about them alot and how much I really needed to get away but also how much I missed out while I was gone. I couldn't wait to see them but knew it would be brief because once we get home we had wrestling for the rest of the week. We arrived home really late, my stomach hurt from not eating, traveling, and from lack of hydration so once I downed some Gatorade I was too tired for much else and went to bed. I had to get up early that day (it was already after midnight) for Alex's parent teacher conference. Vegas was great but it was so nice to be home. thanks for reading xoxo

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