Monday, March 19, 2012

Yellow Belt Test

Alex has really been enjoying his time at karate class. He attends four nights a week and can't wait to get there. He loves being early but is still too shy to practice alone or ask someone other then me to practice with him. He makes friends and participates openly. He has even taken a young lad under his wing and has helped him with the technique. Its good for him as its building his confidence. He still has trouble with the kiyah and doesn't seem to want to say yes ma'am or yes sir when required. We try to explain that karate is a respect sport and you have to show it and know it but he doesn't get it. Last Saturday he had his first belt test. He is to advance to yellow. He has had two stripes for some time now but was not able to test in February because of a scheduling conflict and because he wasn't really ready anyway. So I made ninja men cookies for everyone testing and we arrived on time. During the test he wasn't kiyahing like he should and had to repeat some moves and at one point he didn't say yes sir to the master when he was supposed to. So Master John had asked him to show the respect and say yes sir when Alex shook his head no I thought his test was over, it should have been. But instead Master John asked him again "even if your belt depends on it" Alex still didn't say it. So Master John had the others run laps and had a private conversation with Alex. Once that was over and the test continued I could tell Alex was a little upset but honestly he needs to learn to respect those who should be respected. When the test concluded I was surprised he passed him but it is what it is and I am sure he understands. After all Alex has come out of his shell a little and even though he didn't give the yes sir at the time he did end up saying it later on. Master John has a level of patients for kids that is remarkable and I appreciate that. So now Alex is a yellow belt and will learn all new karate moves. I am proud of Alex and love that he has found something that not only he loves to do but he is good at it. We just have to find that thing that will help him understand the importance of respect not just to the instructors but to everyone as well. thanks for reading xoxo

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