Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Cow Chip Classic 2012

Cow Chip weekend falls on Labor Day weekend every year and our town gets busy.  Cow poop flies and people come from all over to take their turn tossing it.  We celebrate with parades, live music, good food, craft sale, and a 5k/10k run.  I opted for the 5k this year in hopes to beat my last years time.  I have been working so hard at getting my body back after having 4 kids I don't think it will ever be perfect but it will get to the point where I am happy with it.  I had a very busy week with up to 13 kids and I hadn't been sleeping well. I hadn't eaten much on Friday cause I was so busy.  Saturday morning at 8am the gun went off and I was on my way.  I started off hating every footstep and thought there is no way I am going to finish.  By the time I was headed for the finish line I was disappointed that I wasn't able to do better.  I hadn't seen the clock yet so I wasn't really sure what my time was. It felt like many people had passed me and I was surly not going to beat my time.  When I hit the final block I saw the time say 25 and I just about fell over.  I had no idea how I did it but I ended up beating my last years time by 5 whole minutes.  And I moved from 12th place last year to 5th!! Turns out I was really proud of my accomplishment and I should have a little more faith in my abilities to achieve my goals.  thanks for reading xoxo

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