Thursday, September 13, 2012

Ladies Football Weekend 2012

Ladies football weekend was the best one yet.  We didn't meet any players, we didn't get our meals paid for by some random stranger, and we didn't win but the time spent with the ladies is the most therapeutic experience in itself.  The retail therapy helped too.  Julie and I got to spend two entire days just us, together, and we laughed and cried, and spent time just spending time.  We shopped for baby stuff cause she's pregnant and I got to buy the baby her first pair of shoes!  We swam in the pool, got caught in downpours, and ate like princesses.  It was heaven.  Saturday we met up with Dawn and Candy and enjoyed the company.  We hit up Mill Street and enjoyed a slushy bar followed by some yummy carne asada tacos.  We hunted for the Hawks but were not successful.  Sunday was game day.  We lost again although we should have won. For some reason Wilson needed more than eight tries and an extra time out to get the dang ball into the end zone and still wasn't able to succeed.  Like we always say "next year ladies, we will win next year." We went to Sedona and spent the night.  The place was beautiful.  Being surrounded by mountains and gorgeous scenery was beyond spectacular.  We went for a short hike and took in breathtaking views and saw a few lizards.  We shopped till we dropped then headed out.  If we ever decide to stay in a cardboard box on the side of a busy highway during rush hour and a hail storm I would be completely happy just having those ladies there.  Mostly cause they snuggle like rock stars!!  Thanks Ladies for another memorable Ladies Football Weekend.  thanks for reading xoxo

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