Sunday, September 16, 2012

Karate Tournament

Today was the Capital City Karate Tournament in DeForest.  It was my first karate tournament and it was nothing like the movie Karate Kid.  There were over 400 participants of all ages.  There were only four people in my bracket.  I competed in forms.  I was up against a blue belt which is three ranks higher than mine, a red with black stripe which is about 5 or 6 belt rankings above mine and another orange belt.  I lost by about 0.1 point to the blue belt.  So although I did feel a little disappointed I quickly remembered this was my first tournament and I still beat out a red with black stripe besides 2nd place is something to be proud of. What can I say I am highly competitive.  Next tournament I am going all out with some flippity flip stuff...well maybe.  The tournament was very inspiring and I would like to focus on weapons and flippity flip stuff too.  Thanks for reading xoxo

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