Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Sister, I missed you!!

Ella got to go on a road trip vacation with Grandma Jayne and Grandpa Keith.  It was the first time she had been away from home without her parents for more then one or two nights.  She had a great time and enjoyed all the sights.  She sent out postcards and wrote about her trip.  It was about the 4th night that Jade had expressed how much she missed her sister.  When Ella got home Jade was still at school.  We picked her up in the van.  The second Jade saw Ella she exclaimed "Sister, I missed you!" and the two girls held hands all the way home.  Jade kissed her a million times and told her how much she missed her.  Not having a sister I don't know that kind of bond but I can imagine its beyond measure.  Thanks for reading xoxo

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