Thursday, February 10, 2011

Crawl Zorg Crawl and the 8 eyes

Well its official...Ella is a crawler! She figured it out and got it down and now she goes everywhere!! I hope now that she can go 0 to 3 feet in less then two minutes it will help her sleep better. So far it hasn't but its still early in the game. All I know is if I don't get a solid 4 hours soon, I am going to go insane!! Have you ever seen the movie The Fifth Element, with Bruce Willis? There is a character named Zorg, he is the bad guy. Anyway, Ella and him are currently sporting the same hair style.

Alex and I went to the eye doctor yesterday for our check up. We found out that Alex will indeed have to wear glasses forever. We were told that astigmatism could correct itself with glasses if caught early but he has a little trouble seeing too. So we need to get a stronger prescription for him and myself too. I guess my right eye is blinder then the left. It explains why I go in circles sometimes. So with wrestling on Saturday we will have to go pick out some new glasses in between matches. I am glad we got his eyes checked cause with him starting school, it would have sucked to find out too late. The great thing is, he doesn't seem to mind his glasses and realizes he does see better with them on and actually puts them on without us reminding him. It was nice spending alone time with Alex even if we had to get crummy eye drops to dilate our eyes. After the appointment he would ask me if I still had eye drops in my eyes, it was his way of making sure I was still in as much pain and agony as he was, even if it didn't bother me that much. I just felt weird wearing sunglasses inside the house. thanks for reading xoxo

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