Tuesday, February 15, 2011

From Regionals to Sectionals

Saturday we went to Middleton to watch Michael take 2nd place at regionals. His team took 1st and they are super excited to be going to team sectionals. It was the first time in a long time that I actually saw Michael smile up on the podium. The sad part was I didn't get a good photo of it because my prehistoric digital camera that was the best xmas gift ever is working slower then it ever has before. Time for an upgrade. Now that Michael is moving on to sectionals he has expressed his concerns about how it could be the end of his wrestling season. He doesn't want to let the team down and he doesn't want to let himself down. Going to state isn't easy, its very hard and you have to be at the top of your game to even stand a chance. As much as I want to have the words he needs, I feel I don't know enough about wrestling to get the point across. I have said to focus on the win, have confidence in your skills, use your time wisely while on the mat, eat right, sleep well, and I love you. I wish real life was more like the movies, you have the perfect pep talk ready at the very moment its needed, the odds looked stacked against you, a flashback happens, and all of a sudden that pep talk runs through your head in just the nick of time to win it all and take the glory!! Maybe somehow someone will come up with whatever he needs to help him make it happen cause I know how much I want it for him and I can only imagine he wants it ten times more. Good Luck Gator, you can do it!!! thanks for reading xoxo

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