Friday, April 1, 2011

Housewives..real or not so much

I was watching tv the other day, flipping through the channels, and I came across one of those Real Housewives show. I started watching it because there was a mini cat fight going on and really who doesn't want to watch a cat fight every now and then. I was laughing through most of it and thought to myself why hadn't I been watching it before. I heard people talking about these shows and I have seen people interview these women on tv but I never really got into it. Anyway, during the cat fight one women was calling out another women for not working. I didn't understand the entire story but it didn't really matter. One housewife said that the lady who called her out had no right to do so because she does work, she has the hardest job ever...taking care of her 3 small children and husband, running a household, and managing her own self. I thought to myself I can totally relate. I have 3 small children, a teenager, a husband, and a house to run too. I was totally on her side and thought the other woman was a B*tch for even challenging this hard working mom. I continued to watch the show with the thoughts that the hard working mom was my favorite housewife. She has twin girls and a boy. Her husband is a bit rude to her and I didn't really like that but she doesn't seem to mind it. So later in the show it was highlighting her home life with her, her husband, and her three children in the kitchen and there were two other ladies. She was talking about going to the gym for her workouts, yes workoutS!! She exercises 2-4 hours a day and the two other ladies in the kitchen were her full time nannies for her three small children!! I just about flipped out. I was so angry because I felt sorry for her thinking she was tackling the day all on her own, here she is with TWO nannies for three kids. Needless to say that show is a joke and that lady is a joke. They should rename it to Real Fake Housewives Who Are Really Too Self Centered. and that's all I have to say about that...thanks for reading xoxo

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