Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I need some extra time...

The past few weeks have been a blur. Time just keeps going faster and faster. I can't seem to catch up and slow down. My mom arrived a week ago and has already left. I feel like all the things I want to get done are never going to get done because the time it takes to do it, is just not there. At this moment I am rushing to get this posted cause there are at least 3 other things to get done within the next half hour. Who was it that said "take time to smell the roses"? Did that joker have a family, a job, a life? I make a list, check it off when it gets done, move on to the next thing but the list is getting bigger everyday. I think it would help if I wasn't so tired all the time. I could fall asleep just thinking about how tired I am. It will be nice when the baby sleeps through the night. All my other kids were sleeping through the night by now, why not Ella? So to catch up on the blog is almost a hassle. I will do my best tho...thanks for reading xoxo

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