Sunday, April 24, 2011

Hoppy Easter 2011

Easter weekend was busy this year. We had our cousin Izzy stay the weekend with us and it was a blast. He visited us last year and the tradition has continued and we hope to do it again next year. Alex and Izzy really get along well and have so much fun together. Alex knew he was coming to visit and all day Friday all I heard from him was "whens Izzy gonna be here?" By the time he got here Alex was snoozing on the couch. I didn't think much of it because it was a long week for him but I couldn't help but notice the dark circles forming around his eyes. I figured he was tired. So when Izzy walked in I was happy to see Alex perk up and start playing right away. They stayed up watching movies, eating pizza, and finally crashed out in the living room, slumber party style. Saturday, they woke up early and Alex was complaining about his neck and head hurting. I took his temp no fever, gave him Tylenol, and figured he slept wrong. I went to the store to get some stuff and the kids played. When I got back I took the boys and Jade swimming. It was fun and I was excited to see Jade jump right in and go under without freaking out. Once back home Alex was out of it again. He said his head and neck was hurting again. We gave him more Tylenol. They went to get movies and something for dinner. When they got back, the dark circles appeared again around Alex's eyes so Kato took him to urgent care. He was positive for strep throat. Just like Michael used to get those circles I should have known and done something right away Friday. I felt bad but thankful that we didn't wait until Monday for the clinic to open. He was fine when the Tylenol kicked in but in between the symptoms took their toll. After two doses of antibiotics you never would have guessed he got sick. Again Saturday night they slumber partied in the living room and watched movies. Sunday I was up with a Happy Easter attitude. The kids went through their Easter bunny surprises. I heard Alex say to Izzy "isn't this the best Easter EVER!?" That was short lived because about 10 minutes later he was complaining he didn't get the same kind of candy as Izzy did...whatever, sometimes you just can't please him. Soon they headed outside for a 97 egg Easter egg hunt. After making sure they were all found we got ready to go to Keith and Jaynes for lunner (lunch and dinner). I made mashed potatoes and gravy along with another potato dish that is a family recipe. Both were delicious. Jayne had ham, carrots, salad, rolls, a broccoli souffle, and dessert. Everything was super good and it was tough to stop eating. The kids played outside a bit and then it was time to leave. Once in the car Alex was grumpy again and I just figured it was because him and Izzy had to split up. Sometimes I wish Alex was a twin so he would always have someone his age to play with. I think it was a great Easter because usually the Easter bunny doesn't bring me anything but this year to my surprise he did bring me stuff. I got a Brewers tank, t-shirt, and a pair of shorts (although they are actually mens underwear) along with 2 scented candles. When I asked the Easter bunny about the shorts he said that he thought I liked wearing shorts and tank tops during the summer. I explained that I do like wearing shorts and a tank top NOT mens underwear. We had a good laugh about it. I think I will let him wear the underwear or take them back and exchange them for something he would like since I didn't get him anything. Well I did get some bungee cords and a big bottle of 10w 30 oil and to him that sometimes is like getting gold. Anyway, thank you hubby for thinking of me at Easter this year, you made the best Easter Bunny ever!! thanks for reading xoxo

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