Monday, April 4, 2011

Poor little Ella...

Poor little Ella, having such a hard time growing up right now. She has a bad cold and her little nose is red from wiping off the boogies. She wants to get into places she isn't supposed to go so we close doors, put up gates, and pick her up and move her across the room. She doesn't like it one bit when I have to put my finger in her mouth to pull out something she shouldn't have in it. One time I found one of Alex's gumballs in there and was totally thankful she didn't choke on it. She wants to stand and pull herself up on everything but doesn't realize some things will tip over or not hold her up. She bumps her head every 5 minutes or falls over every 10 minutes. Sometimes she gets so excited to get across the room she puts her head down and crawls so fast she doesn't pay attention to where she is and runs into a toy or a wall. She hasn't been without a goose egg on her head somewhere since she was 4 months old. I finally got her her very own pull up and walk with toy but Alex and Jade won't leave it alone long enough for her to play with it. I say no no Jade that is for Ella and Jade says NO Jades! So I get on the floor and play with Ella helping her stand and balance herself so that she can stand for a few seconds by herself only to have Jade wiggle herself onto my lap taking away the extra space for Ella. I have space for 3 kids on my lap but Jade prefers all of it. Jade may be a little jealous. It was nice the other night when Kato was able to get some time with Ella without Alex and Jade climbing all over him. One day she will be off and running and getting these snuggle times in will be impossible. thanks for reading xoxo

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