Monday, June 20, 2011

Fathers Day Weekend

For Fathers Day we decided to go up to Green Bay and visit with Kato's grandpa, Jayne and Keith rode up with us. The kids were excited to get to the zoo and even more excited to go to Bay Beach. Bay Beach is a mini amusement park with a roller coaster, gigantic slide, bumper cars, a kid train ride, and many more rides designed for kids. The tickets are only 25 cents and most rides are only 1 or 2 tickets. We got up and headed out around 9am and got to Green Bay in time to meet up with the Grandparents at their favorite restaurant, The Bay Motel. All the waitstaff know them because they go there everyday, in fact if they don't show up someone usually calls them to check in on them. We had lunch and spent some time visiting. Afterwards we headed to Lambeau Field, we were only a mile away. After some quick pics by the statues and an even quicker walk thru the store we headed to the zoo. Once there Alex picked out some sunglasses and we headed in for some animal adventure. We rode the endangered animal carousel and went on a train ride. We saw moose, an albino alligator, peacocks, penguins, lions, and tons of other animals. It really is a nice zoo. We found the brick that the Grandparents bought with their name on it and called it a day. We then headed over to Aunt Wendys and Marys house for dinner and relaxation. Ella was happy to finally be allowed to roam around freely after being in the van and stroller all day. She is walking everywhere now and very rarely crawls. She loves to climb up stuff too so between her climbing up the fireplace and grabbing at everything she shouldn't be grabbing at it was alot of work keeping up with her. We enjoyed dinner and watched some of the Brewer game followed by a video of Michaels wrestling. Aunt Mary filled up their huge two person jacuzzi airjet tub for the kids who ended up not getting in, so I took advantage of that and had 15 minutes of peace and quiet. The kids fell asleep and I was ready to sleep too. Once 1 am rolled around Ella had a hard time sleeping. She fussed and tossed and turned until about 4am. It was rough. She gets that way at places that aren't home. Up at 7am and the kids were asking when are we going to Bay Beach! Since it didn't open until 10 we ate breakfast, packed up, gave big Thanks to Wendy and Mary for letting us stay and headed to the Grandparents to pick up Keith and Jayne. We arrived at Bay Beach around 10:45. We rode a few rides and Alex was so good to ride on some kiddie rides with Jade so she wouldn't be scared. He even went in a pink bug, which he protested about but did it for his sister. Soon it was time to board the train for a quick 5 minute ride through the park. Kato and I sat together in one cart, Alex and Jade in front of us and Keith in front of them. Kato had commented about how lucky we were that the weather had been holding out and the rain was staying away. Just as the train pulled out of the station the rain began to fall. It wasn't a little drizzle either, it was a stand in your shower type of rain. We were getting drenched, Jade started crying and Alex was screaming. The train driver was nice enough to slow down and put on her rain coat before continuing at an even slower pace while the rest of us continued to get pounded by the cold wet rain. Everyone on board was yelling for her to go faster but she didn't. We got back to the train station with an inch of water on the floor and all our clothes, hair, and feet completely soaked. Jayne and Ella didn't ride with us so they stayed dry. We hurried back to the van, closed up the windows ran the heat, got dry, changed our clothes, and left. Good thing the tickets never expire and we can go back some other time. We went to Krolls for lunch and once we all over ate we headed for home. It was difficult to stay awake considering I was up most the night with Ella. I did doze off for a little bit. Once back at home and unpacked we gave Kato his fathers day gifts, ordered pizza at the kids request and I could not wait to go to bed. Jade decided to crawl in bed with me but also fell out of bed twice, Ella woke up a couple times to fuss, so it wasn't the best nights sleep either. It was a great weekend and I hope the Dad's enjoyed their Fathers Day, without them this entire adventure wouldn't have happened! thanks for reading xoxo

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