Monday, June 6, 2011

Ninja War Paint

OMG boys are so gross. They play gross, they smell gross, they eat gross, they have gross on the brain all the time! Although sometimes they are funny gross. For example, Alex has been playing ninja with his dad at night. They get their weapons and do ninja fighting. Sometimes its inside and sometimes its outside. The other night I was inside and the boys were outside having their ninja time when Kato comes in laughing and says you've got to see this. I asked what it was and he said just come see. Then he quickly says wait stay there and tells Alex to come show mom. So he comes to show me and I couldn't believe how gross it was. Apparently Alex had gotten a ninja bloody nose and Kato decided to war paint his face with it. Did I mention boys are gross? Alex was fine and they went about their warrior ways after some photos were taken. I am sure there will be times when the girls do gross things too, come to think of it, Jade did paint my leg with her "ick" fresh from her diaper once, I thought she was just rubbing my leg while I was standing there cooking dinner. thanks for reading xoxo

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