After months of training and not training my big 5k obstacle race was here. I fancied myself up and prepared for the worst. Jade, Alex, Kato, and my FIL Keith tagged along as my entourage! It wasn't the best decision to bring the kids and next year I will find a babysitter. We had to be there a hour and a half prior to my waves start time which was 3:15. It had rained earlier that morning and since the weather guys around here can not seem to get the weather straight I was thinking it was going to be crummy all day. It wasn't. We arrived, I got checked in, and we glanced around and I met up with my team, eventually. We all trickled in about the same time. From the walk up to the starting line I could see the Barn Burner, Wall Climb, Cargo Net, and finish line. Many ladies were covered in mud but all had big smiles. It was nice to see that considering the ambulance had just left with a customer a few minutes prior to that. We got situated and took some before shots. That way we could see our cute outfits before the mud got to them. We had to wait some time before it was our turn and we got off to a late start. The announcer said it was for safety. Once we were all in the pin ready to go the adrenaline started pumping. I had been training for this for awhile and I really was excited. The announcer blew the horn and we were off. Up a slight hill, down a hill, bumpy muddy road, stinky port a potties to the right and the first obstacle up ahead. We climbed to the top of the Barn Burner, hay bales stacked 30 feet high, gave a quick wwoooooo whooooooo and off we went. Tires, more tires, mud, ropes in mud, more hay, more mud, crawl crawl crawl, run up run down and a quick stop after each mile for some water, a pond full of muddy water, more hills up, hills down, hay, and then the 8ft wall no problem, then the cargo net. A 15 minute wait in line and up and over we went. We finished with a mud pit and mud slide followed by a shot of cosmo. It was one of the best adventures I have had that was me, I did it. I ran, I walked, I climbed, I crawled, I laughed, I finished and I was proud. So worth the wait!! Six thousand women became Dirty Girls that day and I was lucky to be one of the firsts. After all it was the first Dirty Girl Mud Run EVER!! Can't wait for next year!!! Thank you to Kato, Alex, Jade, and Keith for being there. Thank you to my family for letting me train and be away from you and thank you to my Dirty Divas Team who ROCKED IT!!! thanks for reading xoxo