Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Scrawny yet Brawny

Summer always goes by so fast. I think we can all agree on that one! I have tried to get the kids to the pool as much as possible but if its rainy or looks like a storm is rolling in we don't go. Jade really enjoys it as does Ella. Alex is a fish in water and this is the first summer I have allowed him to go into the big pool without me right there to watch him. They have lifeguards on duty and he can swim the length of the pool so I trust the situation. For the most part he hangs out in the little pool with us. Jade likes to do whatever Alex does so if he wears goggles, she wears goggles, if he says something so does she, and if he does something she is right there doing it too. So, much to my dismay she has been pretending to go potty standing up. She holds herself like Alex does and even makes the psssssss sound like she is actually going. Yes, I am trying to get her to stop but she has a mind of her own. She sometimes lets me french braid her hair and also has been enjoying getting her toes painted and wants to do that almost every night. She loves her olives, pizza and applesauce! I think we have created a monster, a cute sassy feisty and always loved monster. She is a nice combination of tomboy and girly girl and for the most part if she keeps up her daily beatings on Alex we won't have to worry about boys cause she will probably be able to beat them up too. thanks for reading xoxo

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