Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Rock Walls and Cow Pies

My running is back on track and I am getting anxious for the Dirty Girl Mud Run in a couple of weeks. We have been busy getting ready for our garage sale too so I am surprised I have been able to keep my running schedule. I had lost 10 minutes on my time but have since been able to get that back. Now I run the 3 miles needed for the race and call it good. Its all I have time for these days. I have dropped 20 pounds since April which is a struggle because with long weekends and summer fun with friends its easy to pack on 4-5 pounds in a weekend. Today I had my annual physical and decided to go ahead and take my grandmothers advice and get my thyroid checked. Sometimes it feels like with all that I do to drop weight it should come off easier but then again I had taken several weeks off for my knees to stop hurting. Monday, was a cross train day, I ran 3 miles in the morning and went rock wall climbing at night. I thought I would be good at it but man did I get a slap in the face with reality!! Its hard. The muscles you use to pick up kids and lift them in their carriers are not the same that you use when climbing. My arms felt like jello after only 2 climbs. I am worried now about the obstacles in the Dirty Girl. At this point I am going to be happy just to get through it. I signed up for the Cow Chip 5k in September, I am glad there are no obstacles in that one, except for maybe the cow pies!! thanks for reading xoxo

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