Monday, September 26, 2011

A Decade Together!!

My husband and I celebrated our 10 year anniversary this week. Married September 22nd 2001 and still going strong. I made him enchiladas for dinner on the actual date and on Saturday we headed down to Milwaukee for some much needed alone time. We don't get alone time anymore and it has been a very long time since we had a date night. So by Saturday we were so ready we both could hardly stand the excitement. With the younger kids at the grandparents house and Michael with friends we had no worries. We decided to stop and play a par 3 and much to our surprise we were pretty much the only ones out there. It didn't take us long but not playing golf in awhile sure showed on the score card. It seems whenever we go, we always say we should do this more often. On our way down to Milwaukee we mentioned the kids maybe twice. Half way to Milwaukee it rained so hard we had to drive slow and cautiously. The windshield wipers sucked! I wanted to stop and get new ones but changing them in the rain would suck too. Once the rain cleared and we were in Milwaukee we stopped at a brewery for lunch and a beer tasting. It was so good. Sometimes its nice having a really good meal with out the craziness of kids. We stopped at the local grocery store to pick up some items for our hotel room and proceeded to our overnight accommodations. The Pfister Hotel was super nice and maybe a little to fancy. The hotel was completely booked for a wedding and it made me a little nostalgic for my own wedding. Our room was perfect, once they brought in a fridge and microwave, with really high ceilings huge windows and a bed perfect for jumping on, which yes I did. I jumped on that bed like a little kid on a trampoline. It was fun and Kato laughed. So we refreshed, watched a little bit of the Badger game and headed to Miller Park for the Brewers game. With preferred parking it was nice to not have to walk 5 miles and over a bridge to get to the stadium, my only wish is it would have also made for a quick get away after the game, it didn't. The game was perfect, a little bit of a nail biter at times with the taste of victory at the end. And since we were only 11 rows away from home plate we had a great view. I failed to remember everything again and forgot to pack a camera. Lucky for us Kato and I got a free pic from a vendor just outside the stadium to commemorate our 10 year accomplishment. After the game it was nice to relax at the hotel and watch some tv in peace and quiet without children whining, dirty diapers to change, snacks to prepare, and sippy cup messes to clean up. I ended up falling asleep first and I don't have a clue as to how late Kato stayed up but by 6am he was up and turning on lights, making coffee and trying to urge me to go back to sleep...impossible. Once I am up, I am up. We went to breakfast at the Original Pancake House and it was so very good. I had an omelet and pancakes. I didn't know the omelet would be made from 8 eggs. I was not able to finish even half of it. Kato had corned beef and hash, he loves it. I saw a bunch of kids out and about with their parents and commented about it to Kato. Once we over ate we headed for home in much better weather. I thought it was funny but the entire time we were gone we very rarely mentioned anything about the kids, however on the way home it was the one thing constantly on my mind. I guess when it comes down to it I missed them a bunch, chaos and all. With them finally in my arms and back at home, running a muck, creating drama, screaming and making messes I knew there was no place I'd rather be. To my husband, thank you for my children, thank you for my home, thank you for you and thank you for the best time of my life...the past 10 years. I luvu. thanks for reading xoxo

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