Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Sisters

Having never had a sister I can't explain the closeness or bond that they might share so having daughters who are sisters is a new world for me. I can tell you that it seems more often then not they are in cahoots with each other. They are on the same dirty diaper schedule that's for sure! When they cried as babies they sounded exactly the same and when they laugh they both open their mouths really big to get that sound out! When they were born they looked nothing alike. Jade and Alex could have been twins looking at their baby photos but Ella looked like my little Indian baby with her dark black hair and dark complexion. Both are thumb suckers yet one sucks the left the other sucks the right. They get jealous of each other if one is on my lap the other one wants to be there too. When Daddy come homes they both run to him yelling Daddy, Jade usually gets there first and Ella has to scream to get her turn in his arms. Its just easier to pick them both up at the same time. When we are out and about people (usually older ones) will sometimes ask us if they are twins. Being that they are almost the same size I can understand that but they are after all 18 months apart. Jade has hazel eyes, Ella's are blue and both have enormous heads and tiny bodies, at least according to the percentiles given by the doctors at their check ups. I wonder what they will be like when they get older and I hope they are best friends. I never thought I would be this blessed and given such beautiful wonderful amazing girls whom I love love love! thanks for reading xoxo

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