Monday, January 9, 2012

A Birthday A Tooth A Gold Medal

It was an amazing weekend here. Michael had a wrestling tournament on Saturday. Lucky for us it was here in town at the high school. Michael was seeded 1st so I was excited to see how the day would turn out. He ended up victorious and got the gold! Meanwhile Alex had been hard at work loosening up a bottom tooth. He wiggled and wiggled that thing until finally just before Michaels final match, up in the bleachers at Sauk Prairie High, Alex lost his 6th tooth. He was there to watch his big brother take 1st place. Then to top off the day it was also Katos birthday. He had gotten a cake at work the day before which was a total surprise. The kids had worked hard on coloring a big happy birthday poster and we had a few gifts for him too. By Sunday Ella and I went shopping where she lost her green monkey blanky and was devastated! We searched for an hour trying to retrace our steps stopping at the stores to ask if someone had turned it in but we were not able to find it. We ended up getting her a new pink one, but its not working to replace monkey or as she calls it Meme. We ended the weekend with a movie and an early bedtime. It was perfect. thanks for reading xoxo

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