Thursday, January 26, 2012

Gator goter done

Awesome season so far for Michael. He went undefeated during ALL his dual meets. A dual meet is where two schools go up against each other, its not like a tournament where multiple schools are involved. They do have dual meets where 6 schools will compete but its still different from a tournament. Anyway, I am looking forward to conference, regionals, and sectionals. I am hoping for State for him again this year. Each time he gets out on the mat, my stomach turns, my heart races, and my muscles tense up. I feel the adrenaline rush and it doesn't end until the match is over. I prefer it when he ends it quickly but understand why it doesn't always happen like that. I never thought in all his life that wrestling would be his preferred sport. He doesn't have that build like a wrestler does, he is tall and lean but yet I have seen him take out guys who weigh 70 pounds more then him. His skills are impressive and his determination to be the best he can be at wrestling is very inspirational. To say that I am proud is not enough as there are no words to describe this overwhelming feeling I have when he takes it to the mat. I love it and I will miss it. thanks for reading xoxo

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