Thursday, January 19, 2012

Lambs down...

Just wondering when things are going to get a little less crazy? We had a Lamb Family get together up in the Dells last weekend. I was looking forward to going because with Michaels wrestling schedule these past couple of years I have not been able to go. Some of the family I haven't seen since Jade was born. Sad yes. The hotel had a fun pool with a water slide and because we were a guest we could get a day pass to the Kalahari to play games and go carts. We always get a large group room for the family to use to play cards, eat together, and open gifts. Its a great weekend but with so many people something is always bound to happen. This year was no exception. One family member was sick with a stomach flu, who gave it to Alex, who gave it to Kato, who gave it to Ella, who gave it to Jade and as with all highly contagious illnesses the total count of Lambs down came to about 20! So what was going to be a fun weekend turned into puke fest 2012! If you weren't puking it was coming out the other end at rapid uncontrollable speed. Gross yes, TMI maybe but the story needed to be told. Needless to say we left early, Alex missed school and Kato missed work. Jade and Ella are still experiencing the what is now being called the "Judy Flu" because it could have all been avoided had she just turned around the vehicle when the family member who was sick, puked. I am thinking she will not make the Favorite Aunt list this year. It was all in hindsight or so they say. It seems our family has not been 100% well since two weeks before Christmas last year. Although I did not get the Judy Flu, I still ended up with a stuffy nose and sore throat. Maybe we need more vitamin D but with the cold temperatures this week, we are not going outside. Therefore off to the market I go for more disinfecting wipes, Lysol spray, chicken noodle soup, 7up, and cold and flu medicine. Happy times, I think not. thanks for reading xoxo

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