Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Here I Go!

There has been some "drama" at the karate school where Alex and I attended.  Due to this "drama" Alex and I have since switched schools.  I also no longer teach cardio kickboxing there.  My heart broke and it felt like a punch to the gut when the decision was made to leave.  I am trying to get over that quickly but I loved that place dearly and anyone who has ever had a broken heart knows how difficult it can be to heal.  Although my goals have not changed the route to get there has.  I am working on figuring out my new game plan.  I have committed to getting a black belt in Karate therefore I am learning a new style.  Alex is also.  I am excited about our new school because we actually get to take a class together.  It was after all the main reason I started Karate, so that Alex and I had something together.  He seems to be adjusting fine to the move and we are learning the new verbiage and style.  We were able to maintain the belt color that we achieved although low in the ranks, I am thankful we didn't have to start back at white belts.  I have attended the cardio kickboxing class and have realized its just as much fun and I still thoroughly enjoy it.  My heart isn't into it yet but I am sure it will get there.  I have been working on some new goals for myself.  My life in a nutshell is I became a mom in my teens, and sometimes worked multiple jobs, while in my 20s I got married, moved away from everything I have ever known, and had another baby, in my 30s I have taken care of many other peoples children, had two more babies, and taken care of my family while letting myself go. I haven't made much of myself and while I am not trying to sit on the pitty potty I am trying to make use of the time I have left.  I am still young enough to try new things, old enough to be wiser about what I try to do, and able enough to achieve the goals that I set for myself.  So all I can say now is here I go!! thanks for reading xoxo

1 comment:

  1. And all I have to say is that you are AMAZING and I'm so proud of you. You are truly my inspiration!!!! xoxoxoxo
