Thursday, June 7, 2012

Our Graduate

We have had an exciting week.  Michael graduated from high school and it was wonderful having my brother, my niece, and my parents fly out to celebrate.  He looked so handsome in his cap and gown and I was brimming with pride just seeing him.  The ceremony was held inside the gym and it was stifling hot.  Everyone was sweating and complaining of the heat. It felt like 900 degrees.  Jade of course didn't eat much dinner so by the time the speakers got started she needed a snack then a drink then the potty.  Ella slept through most of it in her Grandma Kims arms and Alex played on my ipad.  We were lucky enough to have dinner all together at Masons in town before the ceremony and then we all met back up at our place for a quick drink before calling it a night.  Saturday was Michaels party here and there was much to do.  Kato did most of the manual work, my mom and I did the baking, my brother maned the grill, and for the most part it was a success.  The clean up was not however my most favorite thing in the world and it reminded me again of why some species eat their young.  After 6 hours of clean up, 15 bags of trash, 10 bags of recycling, and a serious power wash of the driveway most of our property looked normal.  I am thankful I won't have to do that again for another 10 years!!  Congratulations to Michael for being a high school graduate!! thanks for reading xoxo

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